Név: Peiraieus
Görög név:Πειραιεύς
Objektum típusa: Falu
Kleiszthenészi reform utáni phylé:Hippothontis
Kleiszthenészi reform utáni trittys:városi
Bulé kvóta (tanácstagok száma):9
Koordináták:23.64460890000; 37.93722190000
Tengerszint feletti átlagmagasság:0
Feliratok:IG II2 1177 : Felirat adatai
IG II2 2498 : Felirat adatai
A.-B. IG II2 1176 a-b (frg b és d) + SEG 19, 117 (frg a) + SEG 21, 521 (frg c) : Felirat adatai
IG II2 1214 : Felirat adatai
Írott források:Alci. 3.4.3
App. Mith. 30ff, 40f
Aristot. Ath. Pol. 19.2, 38, 42
Aristot. Pol. 1267b 22,
2.1267b, 2.5, 5.1303b Diod. 11.41.2, 14.33
Dem. 19
Dem. 22.76
Dem. 23.207
Hsch. s.v.
Isaius 6.33
Lys. 1
Lys. 13.8
Nep. Them. 6.1
Paus. 1.1.2-4, 1.28.11
Plut. Sull. 14.7
Strab. 9.1.15, 14.2.9,
Suda. s.vv. (alpha,4269), (delta,300), (epsilon,937), (eta,132), (iota,555), (mu,817), (nu,28), (pi,1455),
..... (sigma,505)
Thuc. 1.93.3, 1.107, 1.108.3, 2.13.6, 2.13.7, 8
Xen. Hell. 2.2.15, 2.2.23, 4.8
Bibliográfia:Arnaoutoglou, I. (1998)
Boersma, J. S. (1970) s.v. Peiraieus
Day, J. (1942) 142ff.
Dinsmoor, W. B. (1950) 241-42. (arsenal of Philon)
Dragatsis, I. C. (1882)
Develin, R. (1989)
FGrH 328 F 40
Eickstedt, K.-V. von (1991)
Frederiksen, R. (2002)
Garland, R. (1987)
Gomme, A. W. (1945) I. 261-70.
Hoepfner, W., Schwandner, E. L. (1994) 38-42.
Humphreys, S. C. (2004)
Jones, N. F. (1987)
Jones, N. F. (1999)
Jones, N. F. (2004)
Judeich, W. (1931) 430-56 (with full citation of ancient authorities)
Kent H., D. (1932) 254-59.
Leekley D. - Noyes R. (1976) 23.
New Pauly. s.vv. Bendis, Cantharus [2], Eetionia, Hippodamus, Piraeus [1], Theogenes [2]
Maier, F. G. (1959) 17ff; II (1961)
Martin, R. (1960) 265ff.
Martin, R. (1956) 105-10.
Milchhöfer, A. (1885)
Palaiokrassa, L. (1989) 1-40.
Palaiokrassa, L. (1991)
Panagos, C. T. (1968)
Panagos, Ch. (1995)
PECS 683-684
Peck, H. T. (1898) s.vv. Athenae, Bendideia, Bendis, Munychia, Piraeus
Rossiter, (1977) 168-176.
Scranton, R. L. (1941) 114-20.
Smith, W. (1890) s.vv. Agora [2], Astynomi, Asylum, Comoedia, Deigma, Dicasterion, Epimeletae, Hippodameia,
..... Lampedromia, Metronomi, Sitophylaces
Smith, W. (1849) s.vv. Leochares [1], Musaeus [2]
Steinhauer, G. (1998)
Stillwell, R., et. al. (1976) s.v. Peiraeus
Traill, J. S. (1975) 21, 52, 59, 6, 111 no. 103, pl. 8.
Travlos, J. N. (1988) s.v. Peiraieus
Webster, T. B. L. (1973)
Whitehead, D. (1986) s.v. Peiraieus
Zeitscrift für Altertumswissenschaft (1852) 113ff.
Prakt (1910)134ff (stoas); (1935) 159ff.
BCH (1882) 540ff; (1887) 129ff; (1888) 337ff (temple of Aphrodite, fortifications and gate).
Parnassos 4 (1880) passim; 5 (1881) 63ff; (1886) 82ff (ship sheds); (1888) 13ff (Asklepieion).
ArchEph (1885) 62ff (theater); (1925/26) 1ff.
AAA 1 (1968) 113ff.